Anthony Mazzella
Sept 21, 1995 - Jan 22, 2017
My Anthony was my first born and although it was scary to become a new mom, the pure and unconditional love immediately took over.
We used to call him Bam Bam when he was a little boy because he was always so strong and so fearless. Anthony’s love for his family, his pets and his friends went beyond what words could express. He loved to play pranks and he had the best laugh. Even if I was mad, his laugh was so contagious that I would eventually find myself laughing with him.
Anthony took being an older brother very seriously and was very protective of his sister and brother. He played a few different sports starting at a young age but excelled mostly in wrestling and eventually found his love for boxing.
Anthony’s struggles with drugs began in High School. Although his physical strength came naturally and impressed everyone, he struggled so hard with the mental strength to beat this disease. He lost his fight on 01/22/2017 at 21 years old.
As strong and as tough was Anthony, he was always proud to say he was a Momma’s boy. What do I miss about my son? I miss him! I miss my boy! My Anthony! I miss hearing the way he said “Ma”. I miss his big hugs, his beautiful smile and his laugh.
Submitted by Krista Bertschi, Mother
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