Christine Oropez
Sept 20, 1979 - Apr 21, 2008
My Girl!
I may not have given birth to Christine but I know I was meant to be her Mom and she was meant to be my daughter. Christine came to me at 4 years old and is the daughter of my heart – the daughter I was meant to have. I remember when she turned 5 years old and she had her very first birthday party. Those big, brown sparkling eyes asking “Is this for ME?”. She gave me the biggest hug ever.
Christine passed April 21, 2008. It was the day before she was suppose to arrive in NY to move back home so we could be close to each other. The happiest day preceded the saddest day.
She died from a combination of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medication, wine, red bull, and illegal drugs.
Christine was shy and wary of people; but once she got to know you, you had a warrior on your side. She would defend you, protect you and love you with all her heart and soul. She loved BIG!
I miss her sparkling eyes, her big infectious laugh and grin. She could tease you and make you laugh out of any bad mood. She was beautiful, stunning actually, but took it in stride never seeing her own beauty.
I miss my best friend and the goofy silly conversations we had. One Thanksgiving morning she asked “Mom, can I cook a frozen turkey and how long will it take?”. We laughed over that one many times. I hear her in my head “Mom, don’t cross contaminate” when I now use a cutting board.
I miss everything about her, my girl, my daughter.
Submitted by Lori Oropez, Mother
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