Danielle Golom
Dec 1, 1983 - Jan 31, 2021
My daughter, Danielle, suffered from psoriatic arthritis. She was prescribed so many pills for the pain. When Covid hit, the isolation and loneliness took its toll on her. She started to abuse her pills taking more then she should at one time and she was self-medicating herself.
She started to see this guy in September and by Thanksgiving I knew something was up. We fought constantly. She began doing heroin and she was not herself, not eating, always sleeping etc. Christmas was miserable. She opened her gifts and she went downstairs and never came up for dinner. She lived in my basement apartment. She was fighting with the boyfriend alot in January and January 31,2021 I found her dead on the floor. She had 36.1 mg of fentanyl in her system which is alot!
Danielle and I were always so close. She lived with me her whole life. We were like two peas in a pod. My mini me. It is so hard to forget the last few years of her life. I am trying to remember all the great memories we had. Her two year angelversary just passed. I miss her so much. I miss all the stupid things we used to do.
Last year my son took all my parents VHS movie tapes and had dvd’s made. My parents got that camera when Danielle was 4 years old. I have movies of her from 4 years old through high school. I find myself watching them a lot. One tape is just dance recitals. The tapes are so precious to me!!!
Submitted by Louise Mazzola, Mother