Fredrick Koenig
Nov 10, 1982 - Dec 26, 2018
My Freddy struggled with ADD as a kid. His fianceĀ passed in 2010 and he went on a downward spiral. He suffered with depression and panic attacks.
He passed from an accidental overdose. It was Fentanyl laced with Tramadol.
What I miss about him is everything – his smile, his warm hugs, his thoughtfulness. He was my movie buddy and I was his car buddy. I went to all his group meetingsĀ and doctor visits. I was the one who gave him his one-year chip at his meeting. We had Christmas, 2018 at my house. After everyone left, Freddy cleaned up everything spotless because he told me to rest. I found him the next day 12/26/18. It broke me.
Submitted by Denise Koenig, Mother