Holly Cariello
Mar 16, 1997 - Aug 31, 2015
Our daughter, Holly, was 18 yrs old when she passed on 8/31/2015. From the young age of 18 months through 16 years old Holly was in and out of surgeries, physical therapy, therapy and living away from home for months at a time to recover. She was extremely strong and proud of what she was going thru up until Middle School. That’s when the bullying and such started. We believe now that due to the ongoing pain meds during all the surgeries, her little body was addicted way before she or anyone knew. Her prescriptions ran the gamet: from Roxicodone, Fentanyl, Morphine,Valium, Vicodin to Dilaudid. We look back now on how much we trusted her one “world renowned orthopedic surgeon” and feel such so much anger. There was no plan in place; no education on pain meds; no therapy…nothing. We never allowed her to have the meds herself. When we felt it was time to stop giving them to her and switch instead to Tylenol, we did. We immediately flushed the remaining pain meds and did not keep them for a “just in case” situation.
When Holly was her true self, she was colorful, unassuming, larger than life, talented, smart and mature beyond her years. We believe because of all her medical procedures she endured, she grew up quick and truly understood her diagnosis and was a quick with with anything medical related. She owned it!
Around 12 years old we realized from listening to her sing that she may have something special; and she did. She spent from 12 years old to 16 years old singing at restaurants throughout Long Island, New York. She performed in plays and auditioned for American Idol, Disney and The Voice. I could go on and on about Holly, which I’m sure any Mom who has lost a beautiful child could agree.
What I miss about her…..WOW….her dimple, her smile, her determination to get what she wants ( I use to say she’s difficult to raise but boy will she be an amazing woman). I miss the fun we had, I miss the times she was my buddy because she had no more friends, I miss her jokes, her loudness, her beauty…
As a family we are broken. Our life is not the same and never will be again. We Love You Every Day and Now We Miss You Every Day.
Submitted by Leslie Cariello
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