Mark "Aaron" Byrd
Jan 8, 1991 - Dec 18, 2020
In his 29 years of life, Aaron made an impact on those that loved him that will never be forgotten. He had so many wonderful qualities, but probably our favorites were his beautiful blue eyes and he hugged like no one else. His long arms wrapped around you like a warm blanket and he would squeeze and hold you with such sincere love. You didn’t want him to let you go.
His free thinking and liberal ideas, (many long conservative and liberal debates….”Feel the Bern”). quirky quips, dry sense of humor, special longlegged walk, smirky grin, OCD hygiene, various food quirks including a vegan season, working out and an unimaginable plethora of health supplements, his personal style and wearing beanies in the middle of summer, will be sorely missed.
Aaron was direct in speech, but tender of heart. His witty one liners were never thought out, but just seemed to fly out of his mouth effortlessly. He could walk for miles to blow off steam or to soothe his soul. His late-night munchies were legendary, yet he still kept his 6’2” frame lean and pudge free. He LOVED his job and the people that worked with him. It was his lifeline and caused many sleepless days as he worked the night shift. While he could be distant, moody and a recluse, he craved his friends and family. He was a living, breathing oxymoron and that is what we loved about him.
(The above was his published obituary).
I miss everything about Aaron. His moody, quirky and depressed moods were hard to deal with, but I would do it all again in a heart beat. He was mine. He was one of my best friends. I could tell him anything. He made me laugh like no one else, but he could also make me cry like no one else. He really was one of a kind. My favorite phrase from above is “Direct in speech, but tender of heart”….absolutely the truth.
Submitted by Tina Hall, Mother
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