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Loving, Strong, Loyal, Protector

Rhys Littlebull

July 2, 1991 - July 18, 2020

Rhys was a loving mom and a caretaker to all those she loved. Her heart was huge and her loyalty to her family was strong. I miss the daily contact whether it was a phone call, a text or just stopping in to check
on us. I miss her everyday and when reality sets in it is still unbelievable to me that she is gone.

Her struggle was opioid addiction and all that came with it.  She was homeless and in pain with two bulging discs and she had pneumonia. She tried to get help from two different hospitals but they would not treat her because she was an addict. Instead, she self-medicated with opioids to try to treat herself

I love her and miss her…

Submitted by Georgia Foolbull, Mother